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2010-04-23 10:39:17
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[Sir Riddle]'s quotes!! yay^^^

"Falling never killed anyone..., it's the quick stop at the end that gets you."

"A problem only exist if someone lacks the ability to come up with the solution."

"You never see the hard times in a photo album, but they are the ones that get you from one happy snap-shot to the other."

"He walked on water, perhaps..., But could He have swum on land?"

"One fate, with one million ways to defy it."

"Consider how much more you often suffer from your anger and grief, than from those very things for which you are angry and grieved."

"It's better to be hated for what you are then loved for what you are not."

"Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity."

"Ask me no questions, Ill tell you no lies."

"Life is a game at which most everyone looses."

"Nobody dies a virgin..., life fucks us all."

"It's better to die on your feet then live on your knees."

"There is no arguing with the barrel of a gun."

“If the only place I can have you is in my dreams..., I'll sleep forever.”

"Feel the fear of confusion and confuse the feeling of fear."

"A false friend is worse than an open enemy."

"Control your own destiny or someone else will."

"Dont ever let life pass you by."

“It's ok to kiss a fool, it's ok to let a fool kiss you, but never let a kiss fool you.“

"Your body is to die for, and I long to be martyred."

"The saddest of all prisons is within a person's own heart."

"None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm."

"You cannot dream yourself into a character, you must hammer and forge yourself one."

"To repeat what others have said, requires education, to challenge it, requires brains."

"A weed is a plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered."

"A pessimist is the best thing to be, in any situation you're either right, or pleasantly surprised."

"Sanity is madness put to good uses."

"Bite off more than you can chew, then chew it."

“The blade is a relic of ancient times, cruel, vicious, mean-spirited times.“

“If there is such a thing as too much power, it is not yet discovered.“

“On darkness feeding, in nightmares breeding.“

“You say that I am two-faced? enough with the flattery.“

“your mind, like your body, is made up from the swamp’s flotsam.“

“your blood, your marrow, your spirit, all is mine…“

“which is worse, the sleep that never ends, or the sleep that never comes? “

“Only in mirrors do heroes find their equal.“

“hate erupts from peaks of chaos and flows from rivers of molten rage.“

“why limit yourself to mortal law, if you can outlive those who enforce it?“

“Bright as a mirror, dark as the sea.“

“Humbly I bow, silently I wait, deeply I listen.“

“Bitter as wormwood, sweet as mulled wine.“

“The turning of the tide always begins with one soldier’s decision to head back into the fray.“

“The best defence is not to get hit.“

“No matter how righteous the cause, it always helps to bring along some muscle.“

“I thought of fate as an iron lattice, intricate, but rigidly unchangeable, that was until some force bent fate’s bars and spared my life.“

“Our unity humbles our foes.“

“Defence is as much a part of war as offence, the shield as important a tool as the sword.“

“If it would end this empty feeling, my life is yours.“

“The heart’s courage is the soul’s guardian.“

“It’s easy for the innocent to speak of justice, they seldom feel its terrible power.“

“I stand ready to die for our world, who will stand with me? “

“Roam as you will, your roots remain in the strong earth of your rising.“

“Learn to burn!“

“Scouting a battle before you fight it is just good business.“

“Time flows like a river, I want to learn how to build dams.“

“None appreciate sun and shallows like those who have seen the depths.“

“In secrecy is strength, none can oppose one who cannot be found.“

“When your enemies are denied battle, they are denied victory.“

“Ever tried to count hyperactive mice while someone is shouting random numbers in your ear? It’s like that…“

“Dream as if you'll live forever. live as if you'll die today.“

“You are not prey until a predator knows of your existence.“

“No bird soars too high if it soars with its own wings.“

“When a strong mind moves, form and energy shift to heed it.“

“The East wind, an interloper in the dominions of Westerly weather, is an impassive faced tyrant with a sharp poniard held behind his back for a treacherous stab.“

“Even a dragon is humble as a kitten if it thinks itself a slave.“

“Never underestimate the power of the soul unleashed.“

“Abandon not your faith when others abandon you.“

“The water that a ship sails on is the same water that swallows it up.“

“Wisdom is not the counting of all the drops in a waterfall, wisdom is learning why the water seeks the earth.“

“Mastery is achieved when ‘telling time’ becomes ‘telling time what to do’.“

“Words, so innocent and powerless as they are, standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become to one who knows how to combine them.“

“Nature? Fire? Bah! Both are chaotic and difficult to control, Ice is structured, latticed, light as a feather, massive as a glacier, in Ice, there is power.“

“Diametrically opposing energies in self-sealed plasmodermic bubbles make great pets.“

“Don’t use military might, wield two of the sharpest swords ever forged; Faith in your left hand, Wealth in your right.“

“Inflict pain to forget your own and break foes to feel whole.“

“Nature’s most raw beauty is the circle, perfect in its continuance with no break between death and life.“

“Take two steps North into the unsettled future, South into the unquiet past, East into the present day or West into the great unknown.“

“For every tree that falls there are countless sprouts waiting to rise.“

“They say the forest has eyes, they never mention its claws.“

“Garb is for common folk, wear insight and zeal, ambition and flame.“

“As silent as a shadow, and just as hard to flee from.“

“The darkness merely hides the light.“

“The undead don’t ‘awaken’, they are evicted when there’s no room left in the pit for more bodies.“

“Greatness, at any cost.“

“Thoughts do not interest me nearly as much as the absence thereof.“

“Anyone can snap their fingers and yank a soul, try to kill creatively.“

“All dead move to the hollow rhythm of necromancy.“

“Death is no excuse to stop working.“

“Chainer’s insanity touches nearly every living thing, including viruses.“

“When tempers run high, it’s easy to lose your head.“

“Don’t let your mind wander, it might not come back.“

“Fouler than a necromancer’s kiss.“

“Any fool who’d die for honour is better off dead.“

“The weight of death is heavy but not immovable.“

“The fear in the victims’ eyes is the most cherished reward.“

“A full coffin is like a full coffer, both are attractive to thieves.“

“The beauty of mental attacks is that victims never remember them.“

“Knowledge demands sacrifice.“

“A duel is a thing of beauty, the warriors’ grace, the crash of steel, and then the artful spray of blood.“

“The dead make good soldiers, they can’t disobey orders, never surrender, and don’t stop when a random body part falls off.“

“Change your mind, or I’ll change it for you.“

“This is how wars are won, not with armies, but with a single blade, artfully placed.“

“Death inevitable leads to life, but the truly powerful don’t just experience this cycle, they control it.“

“Choose your next words carefully, they will be your last.“

“The best ideas often come from the worst minds.“

“Even the bravest of warriors knows the dark clutch of fright upon his stalwart heart.“

“Victory is better than honour.“

“The touch of death is never gentle.“

“Battle doesn’t need a purpose, the battle is its own purpose, you don’t ask a plague why it spreads, don’t ask why I fight.“

“The land begs for drink and curses the rain that follows.“

“The first blow is the most important, it often negates the need for a second.“

“Fire finds its form in the heat of the forge.“

“The ingredients for panic include equal parts danger, uncertainty and helplessness.“

“Find your courage in a desperate moment, and you turn the tide of history.“

“Reach out and torch.“

“Where do you run when the earth becomes your enemy? “

“Be as fast as lightning and you’ll be just as deadly.“

“Never stop till you see the end of the blade come out the other side.“

“Oddly, an unstable time stream makes people want to tinker with it even more.“

“Those who fear the darkness have never seen what light can do“

“Hope of deliverance is scorched by the fire of futility.“

“The climax of a warrior’s career is always death.“

“I hope to have such a death; lying in triumph upon the broken bodies of those who slew me.“

“This is the fury of the wildfire, the boiling of the volcano, fight not because someone wronged you, but because they’re there.”

“A skilled decoy can throw an enemies of your trail, a master decoy can survive to do it again.“

“There is no tactic more enjoyable as ambushing the ambushers.“

“Brute force wins battles, conviction wins wars.“

“Power often comes too high a price.“

“We must all hang together or assuredly we shall all hang separately.“

“Healing is a matter of time, but sometimes it is also a matter of opportunity.“

“A warrior moves with fluid poise, their awareness extending far beyond five senses.“

“Infantry deployment is the art of putting your troops in the wrong place at the right time.“

“No doubt in your mind, no fear in your heart.“

“Only the warrior who can admit mortal weakness will be bolstered by immortal strength.“

“The warrior’s path is worn smooth by many feet, all in one direction and none returning.“

“Flesh can be tempered by spellcraft and forged ever stronger by the hammers of foes.“

“Once you learn to float on the shadows, you’ll never fear them again.“

“A fight put off forever is already won.“

“Perception is more pleasing than truth.“

“The duty: to defend, the reason: to survive.“

“Some blades seek their own wielders.“

“People fight hardest on their own soil.“

“Faith’s shield is hammered out by the blows of unbelievers.“

“Know your history, the lessons of the past will shield you in times of doubt.“

“Beauty is beyond law.“

“We plant the seed of doubt to harvest the crop of wisdom.“

“Age wears the flesh but galvanizes the soul.“

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2009-12-16 [Rook.]: ^^

2009-12-16 [Sir Riddle]: well? what're you waiting for? I just wanted to sink my teeth into something^^^

2009-12-16 [Rook.]: that's a frightening thought

2009-12-16 [Sir Riddle]: don't worry..., the combination of viruses, bacteria and parasites living in my mouth will instantly kill anything with a single bite..., usually the victim doesn't suffer too much

2009-12-16 [Rook.]: Okay. I'm officialy resigning then.

2009-12-17 [Lady Arrianya]: LOL!! And who said this one was for killing?

2009-12-17 [Rook.]: no one. but Riddle DOES have a nasty bite... kinda like a moosebite....

2009-12-17 [Lady Arrianya]: Then he no bites the new chew toy...

2009-12-17 [Rook.]: Can I bites the new chew toy...? 83

2009-12-17 [Sir Riddle]: oh, come on..., let me have a bit of fun every now and then..., pretty please?

2009-12-17 [Rook.]: *dies* oh. my. god.
Riddle said please....

2009-12-17 [Sir Riddle]: and it had the desired effect^^^

2009-12-17 [Rook.]: *curls up on Anya's lap* Meh.

2009-12-17 [Darth Jacein]: any one here ever role play in the old chat?

2009-12-17 [Rook.]: old chat...?
Yes, we all role play...
but what do you mean?

2009-12-17 [Darth Jacein]: ..the old chat.. theres a link for it on mainstreet.. its a forgotten realms/dnd/ what ever based role trying to get people in on used to bve big in the old days but now its just tavern is a rp based on the old chat..just to get a feel for what it is

2009-12-17 [Sir Riddle]: I don't really rp anymore..., takes too much time, and I can't keep up...

2009-12-18 [Lady Arrianya]: I am too busy with my own rp

2009-12-18 [Rook.]: I'm just a loser without a life, so I will probably check it out.

2009-12-18 [Darth Jacein]: well sorta, thanks rook.. Now keep in mind that its most likely going to be just one night, and its in a chat room.. its going to be faster pace than a wiki based rp

2009-12-18 [Lady Arrianya]: oh dear...means my rook is going to be distracted from working on deciding on my rp *mock tears*

2009-12-18 [Rook.]: no. I wont Anya darling :) your rp is my highest priority :)

2009-12-18 [Sir Riddle]: so..., how about that chewtoy?

2009-12-18 [Lady Arrianya]: Lol. He decided to run away on me....though he is still interested on picking on Poe lol and Okidays! *hugs my baby momma*

2009-12-18 [Sir Riddle]: a running chewtoy...? now that stimulates my hunting instincts^^^

2009-12-19 [Rook.]: Speaking of which.... *pats tummy* baby is almost ready to come :D

Zacks a nice guy as far as i can tell :P have at him.

2009-12-19 [Lady Arrianya]: *facepalms* Rook my dear. I would like him in one piece.

2009-12-19 [Rook.]: Make sure ;riddle stays away from the baby :/

2009-12-19 [Sir Riddle]: but they be juicy when they splatter^^^

2009-12-19 [Rook.]: *glares and growls* You don't touch our baby or I'll bloody freaking rip you apart.

2009-12-19 [Lady Arrianya]: *growls as well*

2009-12-19 [Sir Riddle]: growling doesn't really scare me..., also, ripping me apart won't do you any good^^^

2009-12-20 [Rook.]: You've got two agitated females on your hands, Riddle. Not even you can withstand that.

2009-12-20 [Darth Jacein]: they can get scary..

2009-12-20 [Sir Riddle]: so can I^^^

2009-12-20 [Darth Jacein]: lol you sure you can compare to angry females?

2009-12-20 [Sir Riddle]: oh, I'm not worried^^^

2009-12-20 [Darth Jacein]: ok then

2009-12-20 [Lady Arrianya]: *paces in front of Riddle* Ya but I know part of your weakness dear Riddle^^

2009-12-21 [Darth Jacein]: oooh weakness! my only weakness is bullets..oh and death

2009-12-21 [Sir Riddle]: just knowing a part of my weakness won't help you, besides, there's still something big you're overlooking^^^

2009-12-21 [Darth Jacein]: oh god.. hes gone super saiyan!

2009-12-21 [Sir Riddle]: naive... *pulls my hat forward, creating a shadow over my eyes* that's just the 1st stage!

2009-12-21 [Darth Jacein]: NOOOO!!!!!

2009-12-21 [Sir Riddle]: I'm called "riddle" because nobody has ever seen my 2nd form and lived to tell the tale...

2009-12-21 [Darth Jacein]: ...should we be surrounded by green dudes?

2009-12-21 [Sir Riddle]: well..., it's not really a matter of "should"^^^

2009-12-23 [Rook.]: i'm already surrounded by gnomes :P so green duddes don't matter. and I'm the queen of Hell, so I could care less ^^

2009-12-23 [Sir Riddle]: there are worse things than hell though^^^

2009-12-23 [Darth Jacein]: moms house on christmas...

2009-12-23 [Sir Riddle]: my house right now... *shudders*

2009-12-23 [Lady Arrianya]: O.o oh dear....Riddle has gone senile...Again!

2009-12-24 [Sir Riddle]: don't worry, it'll be over in a second^^^ (once I deal with them...>.>)

2009-12-25 [Lady Arrianya]: Lol. Ok. If you say so dear one ^^^

2009-12-25 [Sir Riddle]: they'll be gone by tomorrow... *grins*

2009-12-26 [Lady Arrianya]: lol good good

2009-12-26 [Sir Riddle]: please don't hate me afterwards^^^"

2009-12-26 [Rook.]: *pokes everyone and curls up with Anya*

2009-12-26 [Sir Riddle]: *dies a horrible, agonizing death*

2009-12-27 [Lady Arrianya]: O.o *cuddles with poe and wonders when Riddle will respawn so she can wish him a happy birthday*

2009-12-27 [Sir Riddle]: *has a postmortum question* does life have respawns? o.0

2009-12-28 [Rook.]: In here it does...

2009-12-28 [Sir Riddle]: automatic or manual?

2009-12-28 [Rook.]: i say you get manual because you're a male, us girls can get it easier..

2009-12-28 [Sir Riddle]: good, in which case I decide not to respawn^^^

2009-12-28 [Rook.]: You can't die on us...
as much as we (i) fear you, life would just not be complete with a healthy (or in your case) a notsohealthy dosing of Riddle

2009-12-28 [Sir Riddle]: hey, I'm only dying because it has more benefits being a ghost^^^

2009-12-28 [Rook.]: Meh. depends.

2009-12-28 [Sir Riddle]: hehehe, I'm creative, I can think of quite a few things to do when I'm dead^^^

2009-12-29 [Lady Arrianya]: oh dear! *puts a spiritual block on herself so that Riddle cant look at her in the perverted sense*

2009-12-29 [Sir Riddle]: *blinks* why'd I do that?

2009-12-29 [Darth Jacein]: cause your a ghost..and can..duh

2009-12-29 [Sir Riddle]: so..., how does that qualify as a motive...?

2009-12-29 [Darth Jacein]: ...why do cats lick them selves..cause they can..why do humans kill smaller animals for fun?cause they can..why do dolphins swim backwards in that damned cocky way, chirpin and waving...damned arrogant porpus..

2009-12-29 [Lady Arrianya]: would do it to spite me if i pissed you off riddle :P

2009-12-30 [Darth Jacein]: BECAUSE THEY CAN!!!...oh sorry.. i was still on my earlier rant

2009-12-30 [Sir Riddle]: hmmm..., to spite you..., that could be a legitimate motive^^^

2009-12-30 [Rook.]: I'm sooooo not comming into this one xD

2009-12-30 [Sir Riddle]: don't worry, I'll deal with you later^^^

2009-12-30 [Lady Arrianya]: lol

2009-12-31 [Rook.]: Phhhhft
*arrogant face* you can deal with me if you can catch me *super pose, then starts running*

2009-12-31 [Sir Riddle]: *sits down* too bothersome, an opportunity will present itself^^

2009-12-31 [Rook.]: *is invisibly hiding in Anya's back pocket*

2009-12-31 [Sir Riddle]: ever heard of the phrase "killing 2 birds with 1 stone"?

2009-12-31 [Lady Arrianya]: Ever heard of dont fuck with the wrong snake?

2009-12-31 [Sir Riddle]: and after that it's "eye for an eye"

2009-12-31 [Rook.]: *is rooting for Anya*

what about don't do either, and both people live...?

2009-12-31 [Sir Riddle]: where's the fun in that?

2009-12-31 [Rook.]: Well, if we live, you can haunt us for longer..?

2009-12-31 [Sir Riddle]: I can haunt your corpses

2009-12-31 [Rook.]: Good luck with that.

2009-12-31 [Sir Riddle]: hey, at least they won't complain

2009-12-31 [Rook.]: I can't gaurentee that for my corpse :P

2009-12-31 [Sir Riddle]: I'll make sure it won't

2009-12-31 [Lady Arrianya]: Ya but just remember riddle.....I will haunt your haunting :P

2009-12-31 [Sir Riddle]: lucky me^^^

2009-12-31 [Lady Arrianya]: LOL

2009-12-31 [Sir Riddle]: what?^^^

2010-01-01 [Rook.]: *blinks*

2010-01-02 [Lady Arrianya]: nothing....I am just thinking

2010-01-02 [Sir Riddle]: that can still mean something though...

2010-01-02 [Lady Arrianya]: maybe >.>

2010-01-02 [Rook.]: *is lost*

2010-01-02 [Sir Riddle]: *is succesful*^^^

2010-01-02 [Rook.]: *curls into a poe sized ball and starts rolling away to dear-heart's house*

2010-01-02 [Sir Riddle]: *is utterly fascinated, walking with you and poking you with a pointed stick*

2010-01-02 [Rook.]: *growls* nothing about me is fascniating, Jennifer. *bites the stick and in return, smacks you with a rusty wooden spoon*

2010-01-02 [Sir Riddle]: *ignores the feeble attempts at my doppelgangers life and continues to study you*

2010-01-02 [Lady Arrianya]: *runs up and tackles the Poe ball, stopping her and holding her close*

2010-01-02 [Sir Riddle]: now that's interesting..., someone interfering with the natural order...

2010-01-02 [Lady Arrianya]: well...when have you ever known me to truly and fully conform riddle??

2010-01-02 [Sir Riddle]: eh?

2010-01-03 [Lady Arrianya]: exactly!

2010-01-03 [Sir Riddle]: just wondering what "conform" means^^^

2010-01-03 [Lady Arrianya]: to actually meet the rules and follow all of them?

2010-01-04 [Sir Riddle]: I shall never do that

2010-01-04 [Rook.]: *is held by the mighty anya.* meh. I think Anya is the only force in nature who truely can stop me.

2010-01-04 [Sir Riddle]: so..., what does that have to do with this...? o.0

2010-01-04 [Rook.]: It doesn't, really.

2010-01-04 [Sir Riddle]: my point exactly^^^

2010-01-04 [Rook.]: but does anything really ever have to do with what we're talkign about?

2010-01-04 [Sir Riddle]: nope^^^

2010-01-04 [Rook.]: *nods* my point.... exactly... XD

2010-01-04 [Sir Riddle]: I see what you did there^^^

2010-01-04 [Rook.]: no you dont :P

2010-01-04 [Sir Riddle]: let me rephrase that: "I read what you did there^^^"

2010-01-04 [Rook.]: *awkward turtle*

2010-01-04 [Sir Riddle]: *throws small pebbles at the turtle*

2010-01-04 [Rook.]: HEY!!!!

2010-01-05 [Lady Arrianya]: LMAO *watches, still holding the poe*

2010-01-05 [Darth Jacein]: ...i love the akward turtle.. it really difuses an akwards situation.. the twix bar how ever..just makes it worse

2010-01-05 [Sir Riddle]: I just love interrupting^^^

2010-01-05 [Rook.]: *sighs and snuggles into Anya* I know you do. You ;just love; a lot of things. :P

2010-01-05 [Sir Riddle]: like myself^^^

2010-01-05 [Rook.]: Well that one is obvious *pokes*

Oh... speaking of dopplegangers...
There is one here, actualy a set... and they look exactly like you and Tris.
Even hannah agreed they were your twins.
the one tha tlooks like Tris is named Marcus and yours in Anthony...

It's kind of weird to go to the mall and see them... I have a mini heart attack every time I run into them.

2010-01-05 [Sir Riddle]: we never spoke of doppelgangers...>.>

2010-01-05 [Rook.]: yeah... well... you mentioned it back before Anya caught me... because i was rolling off to Dearheart's house... and I think i smacked you, and you mentioned dopplegangers... and I just remembered them because one of them is currently walking through my yard on his way to the bus stop. *waves at Marcus*

2010-01-05 [Sir Riddle]: hmmm..., you're right..., I DID mention them..., but let's ignore that...

2010-01-05 [Rook.]: Alrighty then. *softly sings to 69 eyes*

2010-01-05 [Sir Riddle]: ..., you let me get away with that..? o.0"

2010-01-05 [Rook.]: Jen... there's a lot I let you get away with :P

2010-01-05 [Sir Riddle]: I could thank you for that, but I won't^^^

2010-01-05 [Rook.]: Of course not. *scoffs* insolent brat ^.^

2010-01-05 [Sir Riddle]: did I hear someone calling?^^^

2010-01-05 [Rook.]: Yes. They went that way *points to the left*

2010-01-05 [Sir Riddle]: *runs in the direction you pointed out, never to return*

2010-01-05 [Rook.]: You know, if you run that direction long enough, you'll eventualy come back to this spot, entering from stage right.

2010-01-05 [Sir Riddle]: *calls back to you* not if I run in a straight line, the earth is round, if I run straight, I'll end up in space^^^

2010-01-05 [Rook.]: *sighs* you always have to be an over achiever, don't you?

2010-01-05 [Sir Riddle]: if it's impossible, it might take a little while though...

2010-01-05 [Rook.]: Possibly.

2010-01-05 [Sir Riddle]: I'll make it though

2010-01-05 [Rook.]: I'll be here watching with popcorn.

2010-01-05 [Sir Riddle]: *pops up behind you* did I hear the word popcorn?

2010-01-05 [Rook.]: *growls* MY popcorn.

2010-01-05 [Sir Riddle]: that doesn't mean a thing^^^

2010-01-05 [Rook.]: It should. *marks out my space with a huge red crayon* do NOT Enter this space and take my popcorn, or i'll bite you!! >8[ ]

2010-01-05 [Sir Riddle]: *enters your space and takes your popcorn*

2010-01-05 [Rook.]: Oh no you didn't. *bites your hand and takes my popcorn back, running away with it*

2010-01-05 [Sir Riddle]: *munches on the popcorn I hid*

2010-01-06 [Rook.]: *hides up in a tree and starts to make more popcorn to replace the stuff I lost* Stay away from my food... I'm a freaking hypoglycemic and protective of my edibles.

2010-01-06 [Sir Riddle]: *starts singing* "I'm a lumberjack and I'm ok"^^^

2010-01-06 [Rook.]: *growls at you*

2010-01-06 [Sir Riddle]: *thinks for a minute, then starts singing a new song* "no fear"^^^

2010-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: *sits there and looks pittiful, having not gotten any popcorn*

2010-01-07 [Rook.]: *forgot to tell Anya that there's a huge bowl of popcorn just for her behind her in a bowl that says 'Anya's Popcorn'*

2010-01-07 [Sir Riddle]: *grins and sneaks towards the bowl*

2010-01-07 [Rook.]: *teleports to anya and guards the bowl* NO! This is ANYA'S bowl... not JEN'S bowl
*throws a tictac at you*

2010-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: *smiles and eats more than half the popcorn then nuzzles poe, belly bulging now*

2010-01-07 [Rook.]: *sits down and pats anya's belly*

2010-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: *burps*

2010-01-07 [Rook.]: *blinks*
'scuze you :3

2010-01-07 [Sir Riddle]: *chuckles*

2010-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: thank you.....*feels slightly better now*

2010-01-07 [Rook.]: *snuggles against anya's belly and pulls my hood over my face, dozing*

2010-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: *rests there, eyes half closed*

2010-01-07 [Rook.]: *falls asleep*

2010-01-07 [Sir Riddle]: *is wondering what would happen if I'd use a warhorn right now*

2010-01-07 [Rook.]: *sleeps like a rock, so nothing would happen from me*

2010-01-08 [Lady Arrianya]: *growls at riddle not to do it or else, head pounding badly right now*

2010-01-08 [Rook.]: *mutters in sleep* He'll do it anyway...

2010-01-08 [Sir Riddle]: and you're sure you're asleep?

2010-01-08 [Rook.]: I've got a sort of condition where I fall asleep and stay asleep, but I'll answer and talk to people if they talk to me.

2010-01-09 [Sir Riddle]: of course you do^^^

2010-01-10 [Rook.]: Tis true >> Its not fun. Hannah seems to think it's funny to hold a conversation with me at three in the morning.

2010-01-10 [Sir Riddle]: I wasn't mocking you, if that's what you think^^^

2010-01-11 [Rook.]: *wakes up* I do think you were mocking me.

2010-01-11 [Sir Riddle]: but it wasn't^^^

2010-01-11 [Rook.]: It's so hard to tell with you, Jen....

2010-01-12 [Sir Riddle]: I'll take that as a compliment^^^

2010-01-12 [Rook.]: Take it how you wish

2010-01-12 [Sir Riddle]: I will^^^ I'll take it and corrupt it^^^

2010-01-12 [Rook.]: *rolls my eyes and stalks off and climbs a tree*

2010-01-12 [Sir Riddle]: *corrupts the tree*

2010-01-12 [Rook.]: Oo"

2010-01-12 [Sir Riddle]: wanna know how I did it?^^^

2010-01-13 [Rook.]: NO!!!!!!! @_@"

2010-01-13 [Sir Riddle]: scaredycat...>.>

2010-01-13 [Rook.]: Yes. Well no. I'm a scaredylex.

2010-01-29 [Lady Arrianya]: O.o I am just going to vanish now o.O

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